
Postdoctoral and research fellow:

We are always looking for motivated students to join the group. If you are interested to join our team, send an email to with your CV and motivation letter.

Want to apply for a MSCA Individual Fellowship with us? Send your proposal at You can find information about the open calls for MSCA fellowship here.

PhD students:

The call for application for PhD positions are advertised here. Interested students are encouraged to visit the website and contact Prof. Laura Fabris (at if they are interested.

Details about the scholarships and awards can be found here.

Masters students:

The information on the Masters degree program and call for applications are advertised on the website of Politecnico di Torino. Click here for more information.

Undergraduate students:

The information on the Undergraduate degree program and call for applications are advertised on the website of Politecnico di Torino. Click here for more information.

Interns and visiting students:

Interested students can contact Prof. Laura Fabris at with the CV and motivation letter.